Taste Test: Alex O’aiza desires for a more empathetic world on new song, ‘Side by Side’

The indie-pop songwriter expresses frustrations over writer’s block and a need for a more compassionate society.

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Art will come when it comes. You can never force it. Indie-pop creator Alex O’aiza expresses deep frustrations over words seemingly stuck in his throat, a metaphor that sometimes songs only take on an existence when they’re good and ready. “Truth is, there’s still a lot to say / My words are stuck on delay,” he laments. Gummy electric guitars blow and pop around him, as he then later expresses longing for a more empathetic society. And he’s most certainly speaking from experience. As a Mexican-American, his father was deported, and much of his new EP delves into his mental headspace, one tired and worrisome and sad. “There’s no running, hiding / In this mess, I feel beautiful,” he later observes. His mind is corkscrewed with pain, and he funnels it all back into his work ⏤ erupting into am astonishing debut

“Side by Side” anchors his new EP, Out of My Mind, out everywhere now.

Listen below:

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