Taste Test: Eighty Ninety sift through the ‘Ruins’ of their heart
The pop duo reflect on what-ifs and should-have-beens.
Welcome to Taste Test, a song/video review series of SubmitHub-only gemstones
The past appears like specters inside their heads. Eighty Ninety grapple with these manifestations on their song “Ruins,” a propulsive giddy-up that finds the duo swarmed by memories. “You said everything’s changing / Your heart’s rearranging,” sings Abner, his vocal wispy and light. Percussion pummels the senses as the lyrical stains wash over the listener, foamy but clean. The what-ifs drench their brains like acid, leaving them both clinging to what could have and should have been. The present drips away and fades into forever. For now, they just have this song to get by.
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