Welcome to Taste Test, a song/video review series of SubmitHub-only gemstones.

Pain and addiction often go hand-in-hand. The frays of human existence intertwine once more to create a barbed coil that digs deeper into the outer layers of skin. You cut. You bleed. Endorphins course in your veins. Rinse and repeat. Lo-fi vocal bender Ian Terry distorts his form and lurches in screeches across an acoustic guitar’s metallic stabs. His song “Tracks,” melded together with acoustics pinging inside a tortured soul’s skull, trudges through the anguish at a devilishly sedated rate. “Could I have sooner seen the signs that were numb / Those nights, to think that you’d been playing with that loaded gun,” he sings in off-kilter motions of a tragedy unleashed right before his eyes. His guilt thickens the emotional mixture, often blurring the lines of fact and fiction and his own deteriorating mental capacity. In truth, we never really know what would could, should, would have done. It’s the tragic destiny of the whole of humanity.

“Tracks” was originally released back in 2017.

Listen below:

Follow Terry on his socials: Facebook | Website

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