Taste Test: JPson breaks through a heavy fog with his joyous new song, ‘One Day’
The South African folk-pop musician celebrates the pain as he dazzles in the sun with a new song.
Welcome to Taste Test, a song/video review series of SubmitHub-only gemstones
Life can royally suck some days. Swallowing the sour so you can savor the sweet is a jagged little pill, but when you do, a euphoria you’ve never known settles into your body. Sun-bleached, yet drawing upon his own wealth of bitterness, South African folk-pop musician JPson (full name JP Enderli) wipes the crinkling clouds out of his view and chooses to let the sun finally peek through in angular, dazzling rays. “One day, you’ll find yourself again,” he soothes your aching joints, allowing his unmistakable tenor to wrap around you. His warmth is intoxicating and works to cool your emotions. Drums pound your skull, mirroring the angsty flutter of your own heart, and soon you realize exactly what you need to do next. The swell of the music sweeps out from JPson’s his voice, rising as tall grass ebbing gently in the breeze, and looking back, he wouldn’t trade an ounce of the pain for today.
“One Day” anchors his forthcoming new EP, expected sometime this summer.
Listen below: