There’s a charm and beauty to the wild, wild west you don’t get anywhere else in the country. Land sweeps out from your feet in all directions; the sun splatters pastel colors across the sky; and the earth seems to whisper beneath your feet. Just ask Sarah Pierce. She should know. With her new song “Blessed by the West,” the singer-songwriter unearths that resounding ache in her chest and paints with vivid brushstrokes about the West’s innate magnificence.

Having grown up in west Texas, Pierce gained a deep appreciation for the “creatures, weather, land,” she tells B-Sides & Badlands. “She gives us humans a chance to be a part of this wonderful creation.” With a guitar in tow, she dazzles the listener with striking imagery that transports you to a different time and place. In experiencing Pierce’s exceptional storytelling sensibilities, you get the sense that you are witnessing something gloriously special and affecting.

“She allows our cattle to graze her grassy plains / While her keystone keep the balance of her open range,” sings Pierce, her voice fluttering and tender. “She can paint a picture with a silver mackerel sky / She’ll run her brush through the frame and draw a mountain high.” Pierce’s words are feathers blowing in the wind, her guitar the driving, untamed force.

“Blessed by the West” serves as the title track to Pierce’s new album, expected everywhere on September 13.

Listen to “Blessed by the West” below.

Follow Pierce on her socials: Website

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