Welcome to Taste Test, a song/video review series of SubmitHub-only gemstones

Today’s suffering is like when you leave a gallon of milk out to sour on the sweltering sidewalk all summer. More needless, innocent blood was spilt this week, and so, folk pair Troubaduo‘s new cut is as crucial as ever. “Song for Peace,” which sees  Bryson and Jill Marie VanCleve go all in for a truly masterful prayer and call-to-arms, breaks down in a heap of weepy acoustic guitar and soul-rumbling emotion. “Dodging lies, stepping reactions / Blood for power still isn’t enough,” warns Jill Marie, not mincing her words. The intensity clings to her tongue, words whipping through the air at a remarkable rate, and it might fall on deaf or ignorant ears but the message will surely live on. In their own way, they extend a hand of empowering compassion and empathy, an act to shred the hate-mongering clouding their path.

“Song for Peace” clips on the heels of the reissue of “We Carry On” from earlier this year.

Listen below:

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