Taste Test: Ben Rice rides an existential wave on ‘I Think We Got It Right’
The indie-rock singer-songwriter examines existential dread on his new song.
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There always comes the moment when you cross over an existential threshold. You learn to accept the way things are, for better or worse, and those feels of dread or gloom or whatever it might be become soaked into your bones. It’s just the way it is for us lowly humans. Brooklyn indie-rock purveyor Ben Rice combs his own brain-probing questions with a chill-rock song called “I Think We Got It Right.” Between layers of rose-tinted sunsets and the cool breeze feathering his hair, he escapes out onto the horizon with only his suitcase stuffed with questions and answers on what it all means. “I got a little bit older / Darling, nothing changed / I still got that feeling,” he sings. His breath smolders, tipping to such classics as Tom Petty, and as his voice clings to the wind, his spirit rides up into the ether, never to be seen again.
Listen below: