Welcome to Taste Test, a song/video review series of SubmitHub-only gemstones

Hindsight is 20/20, as the say. Looking back, you can see exactly how massive your fault lines were and what can be done now to mend such fractures. Even as the past grows more distant in your rearview mirror, it takes even greater courage to change the present. Singer-songwriter Corey Harper both weeps for could haves, should haves and would haves and rallies against his worst tendencies for a brighter, more self-aware state of being. “I never felt you ever got the best of me” is as plainspoken a line as you could write, yet it heaves one of the most brutally-profound truths to realize in this life. “Best of Me” is an exceptionally raw performance, one which allows him to confide in the listener the turmoil his demons have caused.

“Best of Me” anchors Harper’s new EP, Barely Put Together, officially out this Friday (August 2).

Listen below:

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