Welcome to Taste Test, a song/video review series of SubmitHub-only gemstones

A performance in its rawest form, Bernard Hering‘s “Drive On, Drive On” mourns the past and a relationship long-wilted and brittle. “In troubled dust, I will disappear,” sings Hering, his voice trembling with only guitar and eerie soundscapes accompanying him. Decades ago feels like another lifetime, yet it replays in his mind as though it were yesterday. Recorded live and analog, “Drive On, Drive On” settles into the bones like a bitter winter cold, and nothing can possibly warm you up again. “If you stop to say hello, please roll down your window / Makes talking more easy / Maybe we feel how it used to be,” he further reflects. And even if it doesn’t, he at least tried. That’s all that matters.

Follow Hering on his socials: Instagram

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