Welcome to The Singles Bar, a review series focused on new single and song releases.

Some people just can’t be single. They are defined by the relationships to which they’re bound, which is both tragic and intriguing. They don’t know who they are alone, their independence some kind of unsatisfactory illusion that is best left to rot on the dusty attic floorboards. Then, there are others who bask in and are energized by solo endeavors, able to explore the world on their own terms and uncover the intricacies of being ⎯⎯ and if they are in a relationship, it’s only an extension rather than the whole of existence. Nashville’s pop darling Brit Daniels is most assuredly the latter, choosing to live a life of strength and unruly daring. With her new single “Slow It Down,” she analyzes a new connection and makes a conscious choice to, well, slow the barreling train down a bit.

“I love this song because it has a really cool feel to it,” she says in a press statement, “and I feel like it’s a very relatable song for a lot of people. In this day and age, people are so quick to jump into something just because it’s readily available. I’ve always been a very independent person, so I like it when people compliment my life rather than become my entire life.” Daniels frames that drive through a static display of electronic and house, tripping her voice over the beats with saucy edge.

Ultimately, she lets some of the air out of the relationship. “Every time I go too fast, it all burns out,” she confesses. “And ends before we’ve even gotten started…” The candle-lit slow-burn “doesn’t take anything away from the idea of being committed or the fun feelings in the beginning of a relationship,” she stresses, “but it just takes a lot of pressure off of the idea of a relationship. The vibe of this song also compliments that idea, as it has a fun melody line with a really cool track and beat behind it.”

Listen below:

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