Welcome to Taste Test, a song/video review series of SubmitHub-only gemstones

You can never sift through the rubble of a heartbreak right after. The earth is too scorched, embers still glowing red, and porcelain-tipped fingers are no match to the fire. Time, though, will give you both the proper clearance and perspective to go back and mine exactly what you need. Electronic pop painter Chersea (real name Chelsea Laing) takes her tragically poetic brush and scraps her words across a stark-white, vibrant canvas. In “Swan Dive,” she confronts her miserable truths and then turns them into charcoal to further shade her life. “Let the blood pour out like the love we had,” she sings. Such harsh words serve her well, operating to unlock the rusted chains around her wrists. Ultimately, perhaps still a bit of a mess, she discards the past once and for all and emerges weather-worn and forever-torn for a new dawn.

Listen below:

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