Taste Test: Chris Noah struggles to find himself in new song, ‘Take a Minute’

The singer-songwriter pleads for a break from a social-driven world.

Welcome to Taste Test, a song/video review series of SubmitHub-only gemstones

Chris Noah doesn’t have a minute to spare. In the current climate, dominated by social media and the constant sharing of snapshots of our lives, he finds himself spiraling down the drain. In “Take a Minute,” he invites the listeners to engage with and confront their own place in the ever-elusive, ever-changing landscape. “I’m crossing other names out, cross every other name out,” he sings, “’cause I don’t see a way out.” His words evaporate, leaving only residue in their place. Despite it all, he regains his footing on the chorus, in which he pleads for just a moment to “let my feet hit the ground.”

Follow Noah on his socials: Facebook | Instagram

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