Welcome to The Singles Bar, a review series focused on new single and song releases.

The booze blurred his vision. Neon streaks whizzed by his face, clammy and running red. Riddled with seeping angst and a need to prove himself, Josh, known as Future Feats, soon plummeted into an obstructed loop of shot after shot after shot. What happened next ⎯⎯ details are hazy ⎯⎯ landed him first in the hospital and then a “comfy jail cell,” as he remembers, jokingly. It took hitting rock bottom at just the right moment to shake him awake. His new single “Same Mistakes” was the result of the alcohol-induced coma-like state, an imperative circumstance which allowed him to grow and mature.

“‘Same Mistakes’ is a song that took a very long time to get right. I suppose that’s the one thing I value most about it, meaning, I find the amount of actual mistakes it took to finally finish it somewhat redeeming,” Josh (he’s so shrouded in mystery, he doesn’t even have a last name) says about the track, slashed with savage guitar lines and screeching vocal tears. “It’s a song about a lot of bad decisions and even worse behavior. It’s everything that [we] no longer strive to be, yet the memory of that night will forever yield a scar for [us] to remember it by.”

Over scratchy synths, borrowed out of a dusty trunk from the late ’80s, Josh comes in like a wrecking ball. A jarring wall-to-wall of sonic punches, “Same Mistakes” courses through the veins. “My heart’s a wreck again,” he warbles ceremoniously on the opening lyric, serving to establish the song’s grim but towering tone. “My friends from out of town are in / So, off we go,” he then galavants into the night, uncaging instinctual desires to cause some mischief. But he could never have expected “another wasted night” to be so transformative. He’s never been the same since.

Grade: 3.5 out of 5

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