Taste Test: Jakob Leventhal & Sarah Jarosz haunted by ‘Greenwich Village Ghosts’

It’s a stunning collaboration for these trying, exhausting times.

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“I like being young. I hate growing up,” Jakob Leventhal and Sarah Jarosz heave with a truly haunted collaboration. “Greenwich Village Ghosts” burns slow and hot, a delicate performance encompassing the loneliness that existence can evoke. “The city never sleeps / It’s a prison now,” they observe, a remark on feeling isolated in such an expansive place as New York City. Whenever someone moves from mid- to late-20s or even crests into 30-something territory, there emerges an existential crisis of sorts. Particularly for millennials, who inherited a broken down system, the sorrow can be the worst of it. We chase things society claims we should be chasing, but it’s all fraught with emptiness. Does any of it actually matter?

Listen below:

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