Welcome to Taste Test, a song/video review series of SubmitHub-only gemstones

Adulthood only complicates… everything. From shifting identity to romantic entanglements, how we relate to the world and ourselves gets tougher to navigate and, perhaps, even survive. Combed through with pop and rock, indie singer-songwriter Jane Holiday, whose entire aesthetic is bathed in ’60s hues, from his leather jacket to Peter Fonda gaze, struggles with it all on his new song. “Pocket Dial” shivers with vocal howls, rising and falling as drapery behind the melody, and Holiday’s vocal is dream-like and pensive. Percussion pummels his backbone, and he readies for further impact – that of a future gunning for him regardless. “When you said you loved me, did you really love me?” he proposes. He may never know the answer.

“Pocket Dial” is lifted from Holiday’s new EP, STiLL iLL B-SiDES, out everywhere now.

Listen below:

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