Photo by Lexi Bonin

Taste Test: Joh Chase offers encouragement with ‘Sometimes’

Welcome to Taste Test, a song/video review series of SubmitHub-only gemstones

Joh Chase‘s voice is a serrated edge. They sing, and it cuts deep, drawing trickles of blood. With “Sometimes,” Chase encourages themselves to soldier forward, even going as far as saying “I’m alright” over and over again. “Take a big stride in the path I’ve been given / But I’m trying to find if this is what I’m living for,” they sing. “It’s alright, saying it sometimes, to myself sometimes.” We all could use a bit of hope, just a sliver, to get us through our mundane, exhausting, and altogether confounding existence. Chase’s refrain is guaranteed to get wedged between your ears. Trust me.

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