Welcome to Taste Test, a song/video review series of SubmitHub-only gemstones

Realising that the people around you don’t always have the best of intentions is a difficult but often necessary process. ‘U SUCK’ describes exactly this process, a musical vent of frustration and anger at the toxic and inconsistent people in life. JULIANA EYE combines the electro-pop style accompaniment with alt-rock and dance music elements. This is paired with some gut-punchingly powerful vocals to create a cathartic, brutally honest single. “U suck!/Got my hopes up to here/Then you disappear I wanna make it clear/Just want you to know that/U suck!” the chorus belts unapologetically. ‘U SUCK’ is an important reminder that its ok to be angry, and gives you a soundtrack to do it in style.

Listen below:

Follow JULIANA EYE on her socials: Website | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | TikTok | Spotify

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