Taste Test: Kris Kelly threads freedom & longing in ‘Birthplace’

The folk singer-songwriter highlights his need for freedom and root-planting with his new video.

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We can try to escape our past and trim our roots back from clogging our heads, but we will inevitably fall back into unquenchable longing to replant our feet and give birth to replenishment in the only place we’ve really ever known. Brooklyn’s folk handy-man Kris Kelly bends in his wistful memories of his homestead with the brittle but downright brawny new single, “Birthplace.” His tender tenor traps both his melancholy as he navigates the world, couch-surfing from place to place, and a deep-chested yearning he can’t seem to shake. The accompanying visually is aptly cinematic, fleshed out with vibrant wayward images of nature, the water’s glass-like surface ebbing with the orchestral-driven arrangement. “We run rootless all through the garden like children / We surrender in to be here this moment / We’re swallowed whole, then we are born again,” he sharpens the juxtaposition of desire and necessity, a dichotomy ravaging through our delicate forms.

“Birthplace” samples Kelly’s upcoming new album, Runaways, out later this year.

Watch below:

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