Welcome to Boombox Blitz, an artist spotlight series showcasing overlooked singers, songwriters and musicians who are quietly taking over the world.

“Time flies,” Americana singer-songwriter Kyle Davis puts this simple, poignant statement on repeat. It’s an apt summation of life, one often embroiled with pain and heartache, and it seems like an endless march with nowhere to go. His song “Make It Count” swerves around monuments of devastation ⏤ from moving houses to detachment and death ⏤ and the undeniable panic that sets in once you realize exactly how merciless time can feel. “Time flies faster than the speed of sound,” he also observes.

The emotional lever is yanked on the second verse, eliciting a waterfall of tears: “Donald traded comic books with me / He was overweight and socially at risk / Took his life one day, just before sun up / He was tired of being made fun of / And I know God loved him / But I don’t know if I said it / I think he left a note / And one kid read it.”

Davis’ songwriting is absorbing, and the vocal is frank, allowing it to become universal and affecting. The visual, directed by Zavi Harman, pieces together various stories ⏤ and it’s soon crystal clear the role of time, woven into the fabric of even the mundane, on our existence and ability (or inability) to move past barely getting by. “I think we all have these creases in our lives or timelines that mark events,” Davis said. “[The] sum of them equals this incredible length of time. Sometimes, viewing them like this is a way to ‘do something positive with every day.’ I know it sounds cliché-ish, but that’s the truth.”

“Make It Count” is the thematic foundation of his latest album, of the same name, out everywhere now.

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