Taste Test: Nick Wilson stages devastating wartime epic with ‘Enough to Know You’ video

The UK musician marvels with a visual so stunning and devastating it’ll make you cry.

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Heartbreaks gnaw away at your body until there’s nothing left. The pain can feel suffocating with no sign of hope or light. Musician Nick Wilson extracts such devastation for his new music video, “Enough to Know You,” a high-scale effort directed by Bjorn Franklin and Johnny Marchetta. It’s a stunning, wartime epic that hammers home the bygone era’s true ruin ⏤ as Will Fletcher’s character, a WWII pilot, suffers a fatal wound and in his final moments, clutches a photograph between bloody fingertips. “I never even saw it coming / I thought that I had found the one / But you say you don’t want me no more / It’s like you’re hurting me for fun,” sings Wilson. Such lyrics highlight in red the weight of what it means to be human; we go through tragedy, pain, heartache, and loss whether we want to or not. “Enough to Know You” is that powerful.

Watch below:

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