Taste Test: Nola Wren tangles heartbreak on new song, ‘Other Boys’

The alt-pop upstart lets gravity hit her in the chest after a breakup with a new song.

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Heartbreak is heartbreak is heartbreak. You think the next wound will sting far less than what you’ve already endured, but you’d be dead wrong. Your heart will still shatter into a million crystal pieces that’ll never fit back together again. Alt-pop purveyor Nola Wren bandages up her chest, her injury still bleeding out, and dives headfirst back into a love that’s already fallen apart. With “Other Boys,” a clattering mind bender touching on her typical grunge-grip, Wren twists the knife out of her own skin before seeing the ground cave beneath her. Gravity can be a bitch, they say. “Other boys call, but they don’t want me / They don’t ever want me that bad,” she flexes her lips into a tender snarl. She succumbs to the reality smacking her between the eyes, yet she just can’t help herself. Girl, been there.

Listen below:

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