Taste Test: Nora Kelly Band is no ‘Lay Down Girl’
The quartet’s new song is a declaration for self-worth.
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People pleasing can get you into trouble. Nora Kelly knows more than anyone. Fronting the Nora Kelly Band, she reapplies clown makeup to demonstrate what it feels like to be a people pleaser. Behind the white face and bold lip, there lies a person dying inside from never taking their own wants, desires, and needs into account. It’s always been about others. But not anymore. “Lay Down Girl” is a declaration to do right for herself and never let others’ opinions deflate her self-worth. “I’ve been a fool,” she sings. She about-faces, turning her back on a past self, and reclaims what her destiny has been all along.
Follow Nora Kelly Band on their socials: Facebook | Instagram | Website