Welcome to Taste Test, a song/video review series of SubmitHub-only gemstones

Depression and anxiety are two heads of the same serpent. They’ll rear their ugly, scale-stitched heads when you least expect it, and the pain will nearly always be the same. Alt-pop duo RYAL (Jacque Ryal & Aaron Nevezie) take their bruised brain from behind their skull and put it beneath a metaphorical magnifying glass, analyzing and dissecting each wound to come to greater truth. “Watcher,” one-side of a dual release, attached to “Awake Monroe,” clatters and bangs with warped synth work. The mimicry operates as a tool to further drive their pegs into understanding. “Safety in the arms of thunder / Always on the sidelines, running close / She’ll watch you from afar…” the words scatter into fragments. Their own prism seems to shatter, but they’re quick to pick up the pieces, clutching them tighter than before. “Here comes the water….”

Listen below:

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