Welcome to Taste Test, a song/video review series of SubmitHub-only gemstones

Mental health often discharges a thick, black smoke. While you’re suffocating on your own, someone else is contending with their own Medusa-tangled serpents. Asheville post-punk conjurers Secret Shame writhe in their own festering mental decay with a macabrely-dressed canticle called “Dark,” which boils and busts with mental rot before they can even process what has transpired. “Carcassed shell of animal / Help me hurt you / Unbeknownst to heathen lives, you will adapt to what heals,” the images flap from their cores as bats in midnight flight. The anguish has seemingly taken on a powerful set of lungs of its own, and so, they have no say in the matter, as they’re absolutely drained dry before the harvest. Despite it all, there’s an overwhelming catharsis taking place; the past sheds, and the skin peels and flakes off. The band then rises out of the ruin somehow reborn to begin again.

“Dark” samples the band’s new album, Dark Synthetics, out everywhere September 6.

Listen below:

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