Welcome to Songs of the Week, a running series with new selections.

Bad Flamingo – “Mountain Road”

Bad Flamingo is one of the most compelling duos in recent memory. Saddling somewhere between Americana and blues-rock, the pair carve out a special place in music with their burgeoning catalog. “Mountain Road” is another slinky, smoldering entry, in which they emit a scratchy vocal that claws deep within your soul. “Nothing runs like your hands running,” they sing. Guitar trips along in a haze, accentuated by other trippy instruments swirling in the mix. It’s equal parts smokey and smooth, wild and calm, ferocious and subdued. But that’s just their way. And we wouldn’t have it any other way.


Will Solomon – “Tracks”

Love songs can often be sickly sweet and uninspired. Will Solomon‘s “Tracks” is different. It takes a mundane task (moving items from one drawer to another) as the impetus to analyze affection between two lovers. “The tracks you leave tell the days I love,” sings Solomon, a gentle rasp coating his vocal cords. He’s in awe, struck by beauty over and over again. It might be a different day, same simple routine, yet there’s a brilliance within that. It’s about discovering the one you love who surprises you at every single turn. There’s nothing like it.


Dan San – “No One in the House”

A chilly vocal leads off Dan San‘s “No One in the House,” flickering between neon-strewn synths ala Strangers Things. When the chorus drops, the glow from the melody warms the body from head to toe, almost as though you’re cast straight up into the Milky Way. “I was in the dark / You bring light and hope” transcends the here and now to extend across the universe. There’s no holding back its marvelous trajectory, one that’ll travel longer than any of us will ever know.


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