Welcome to Songs of the Week, a running series with new selections.

Gert Taberner – “Alright”

Gert Taberner promises we’re gonna be alright with his new song. Soothing to the touch, drums palpitate in the mix, as Taberner’s voice flutters up to the ether. “Find a way to be calm in the weight of your arms / We’ll be alright…” he trails off. An orchestra accompanies him, strings delicate and brooding. “Will I see you again in the face of a friend and be alright?” he muses. Despite heartache stinging his body, he knows a new dawn is already breaking the horizon. It’s just a matter of time.

Vilhelm Buchaus – “Nothing at All”

“I tried to move on, tried to get away,” crows Vilhelm Buchaus. His voice has a gravelly weight to it, a rasp that penetrates the soul. “It’s funny how we promised we’d always make it through,” he sings, as production falls away. “But if I’m being honest, I don’t know if I can get over you.” A piano roots the song in place, with minimal percussion decorating the edges. Even in its loudest moments, there’s a vibrating intimacy that plucks the heartstrings. It’s a performance of a lifetime, as though he’s performing like his very life is at stake. And maybe it is. Heartbreak can be disastrous.

Anna Rose – “Already Gone”

Anna Rose‘s voice cuts deep into the bone marrow. With “Already Gone,” a forlorn ode to a deteriorating relationship, Rose dishes up a career-best performance. Guitar, organ, and percussion trickle in around her. She’s a mountain, a force to be reckoned with – and here, she bowls you over with abandon. “I have no regrets / Only that I waited this long to love myself,” she admits, “but you want to tear it down to the end / You want to tell all my friends / You want to stand in the same place forever.” Rose’s hushed, cracked vocal chords are hypnotic, from the quiet moments to the uproarious howls. She can do it all.

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