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Joe Hazell’s throaty growl smacks you in the jaw. He wields his tenor like an ice pick, swinging and slashing through his words. As frontman to bluesy nine-piece The Barbeque Band, his unwavering lead guides the instrumentation that seems to prance and twirl in his shadow. With “King for a Day,” a swampy and humid number, the UK-based troupe pay homage to classic western cinema, a cut that could soundtrack a John Wayne or Clint Eastwood flick. “Feel the devil’s whisper moving through the air I breathe,” Hazell squeezes out a thorny vocal. He barrels along, unphased, and the song’s vast musicality possesses something downright otherworldly.

“King for a Day” samples the band’s new album, The Better Side of Bad Behavior, out everywhere now.

Listen below:

Follow The Barbeque Band on their socials: Facebook | Instagram

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