Taste Test: William Poyer gallops into the lonesome desert with new song, ‘On Our Way’

The folk musician harvest Mariachi music into a sobering new song.

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The cover art to William Poyer‘s new single “On Our Way” hints at a somber and sobering story-song about a cowboy whose sojourns take him across the barren desert and right into the sun’s scorching stratosphere. The countryside sprawls out from the silhouette, cut off at the edges, of course, but there’s a majesty and mystery that lies just out of frame. “It’s true / It’s the end for you,” he howls as a lonesome wolf is prone to do. Frayed and splintered, his calls fall upon only other tortured creatures left to scavenge what’s left of the earth’s shell. Calling to his three-year stint living in Mexico, “On Our Way” rolls up Mariachi and folk flavors with a dusty country & western style of yesteryear, and Poyer’s voice is smoked in the campfires of a past that is no longer known or remembered.

“On Our Way” samples Poyer’s upcoming new album, expected sometime later this year.

Listen below:

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