Taste Test: Dango Rose calls from darkened depths on new song, ‘A La Glory’

The smokey Americana singer questions death and impending uncertainty on a new song.

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You can’t be completely absolved of ruin. You have to surrender to it; no other options exist. It’s what you do with it, how you soak it into your new form that rises out of ash, that matters in the end, and only then can you fulfill destiny’s ancient blueprint. Former player in Elephant Revival, now on indefinite hiatus, Dango Rose stretches his limbs for a moment of ripe confession. His song “A La Glory,” which was initially written way back in 2007 as a reflection on death, saw itself immersed in a new kind of context, one plucked from uncertainty in both his career and personal life. “Conceived in passion / Darkened by a gloom / New life begins…” he sings in breathy swipes. A grimly looming cloud appears to trace his every move, but a godly blast of horns soon arises as the second coming and all sorrow melts away just as quickly. Rose’s journey is a mighty one, and we all showed stand at full attention.

“A La Glory” follows “Caribou Mountain” from earlier this year.

Listen below:

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