Welcome to Taste Test, a song/video review series of SubmitHub-only gemstones

You either go with the grain or against it. There’s no in-between. You keep your head down and soldier ahead — or you throw your hands up and give in. That’s the sentiment coursing inside Ed Snodderly‘s “Better Just Ride the Mule,” off his brand new Chimney Smoke LP. “Get a little further on down the road / Better just ride that mule,” sings Snodderly. “I know where I’m riding to / Come on giddy-up Bessie / We’ll ride on through.” Amythyst Kiah’s sterling vocals accentuate the song’s musical giddy-up, a traveling tune in many ways that injects the soul with a little bit of hope. If you need a pick-me-up, this’ll do the trick.

Follow Snodderly on his socials: Facebook | Instagram

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