Taste Test: Gabriel Ehrlich floats to the bottom on a ‘Sinking Ship’

The alt-country music man explores the darkest parts of himself with a new song.

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Devastating heartbreak is an inevitability in this life. It’s like death and taxes. Tel Aviv alt-country singer-songwriter Gabriel Ehrlich believes as much with his crushing new soul-stirrer “Sinking Ship.” He gently probes the darkest and dustiest corners of his pain to find the truth of it all. “When you got that sinking feeling in your heart / And everything you know just falls apart / And you know it doesn’t matter in the end,” he weeps atop eerie background vocals, seeping between moans of acoustic and electric guitar. Produced with Alon Lotringer, also his neighbor, the song seems to stick to the wind and ultimately falls behind in the shadow of Ehrlich’s plainspoken but potently-rich tenor. “Oh, things change / Oh, things stay the same,” he acknowledges by the final frame, everything seemingly fading as the setting sun around him. It’s as piercing as it is downright chilling, and Ehrlich rises with one of the most important voices of his generation.

“Sinking Ship” is the titular cut to Ehrlich’s debut EP, a set of three-songs dissecting the shards of his broken heart.

Listen below:

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