Welcome to Taste Test, a song/video review series of SubmitHub-only gemstones

The origin of the old adage “pull yourself up by the bootstraps” isn’t exactly known. Often referenced in political discourse, it also carries a universally-charged appeal. Its message is clear: keep your head up. Indie-pop three-piece Hirsh call upon their own journeys within an ever-shaky music industry for a chilled out anthem, finger snaps, clinky crystal and all! “Nobody” electrifies the bones, shooting their voices as neon light sticks from the heels to the head’s crown, and you unwittingly find yourself riding the groove right along them, too. “They say insane is when you keep making the same mistakes,” they sing. They confront their bad habits, finally absolving themselves of the past, and continue the long, tired and valiant climb to the top. Their time is coming, and all the hard work will certainly pay off.

Listen below:

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