Welcome to Taste Test, a song/video review series of SubmitHub-only gemstones

Mundanity of life can be a trap, if you let it. Grueling through the 9 to 5 is not too dissimilar to scaling Mount Everest for the first time. So, if you’re anything like power soul singer Jeremie Albino, you scrawl hard lines to compartmentalize your life. With his new video “Hard Time,” a mountain-shuddering performance, underscored with the sepia-tinted camera work from director Mark Klassen (Foxwarren, Family of Things), underscores breaking down the unrest into jagged, digestible little bits. “Would you cut me down / Like all the years I’ve spent locked up in,” he curls his lip, acidic with venom. But the bitter taste lasts but only a moment. Arriving somewhere between folk music and throwback pop, the blue-collar manifesto chugs as a 16-wheeler barreling down a lonesome strip of highway, engine full-throttle and puffing black smoke. Albino’s voice shutters and spins on the concrete, leaving you spellbound and breathless. He’s a one-of-a-kind talent for which pop music is so desperate in the year of the lord, 2019.

Watch below:

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