Welcome to Taste Test, a song/video review series of SubmitHub-only gemstones

When our own orbit intersects that of another, fusing a connection you couldn’t possible break, a little part of them remains with you at all times. Even though you might drift, or perhaps your orbit is taking you to another part of the world altogether, there’s something to be said about that treasured trinket. It revitalizes you in times of loneliness. Pop band Kodaline glide upon a sentimental airstream with their new song “Wherever You Are,” piecing together an acoustic base with a lilting, sky-bound gust. “We get lost in each other’s eyes / And we forget what we regret as we cast our fears aside,” frontman Steve Garrigan rips open his heart. He exposes the truth – our fears are only as strong as we allow them to be. Despite knocking out countless tour dates, missing his girlfriend back home, the memory of her keeps him alive.

Listen below:

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