Welcome to Taste Test, a song/video review series of SubmitHub-only gemstones

Time can warp our senses, particularly when it comes to past lovers. While we’re in it, truly, unequivocally in it, we build up this unreal portrait of what it was like; but distance can often impress upon us a wholly varied construction. Folk songbird Lily Kershaw balances such a griping, uncertain, emotionally-exhausting tale in her two hands. “Now & Then” is a brutally fragile performance, one that hinges upon the dream-like lilt of her voice, and with only an acoustic guitar aiding her, it’s downright imposing. “Remember the way I love you now / And the way that I loved you then,” she sings. Her heart is nearly cast in stone, yet she squeezes out every ounce of conviction that it drenches each footstep. Through it all, the terrible blows and left-hook jabs alike, she upholds those feelings that throb even down in her veins.

“Now & Then” anchors her new album, expected later this year.

Listen below:

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