Photo by Camille Gladu Drouin

Welcome to Taste Test, a song/video review series of SubmitHub-only gemstones

Taking on the perspective of a windmill, musicians Kathryn Samman (vocals) and François Jalbert (guitar) dance through the sun-stroked seasons. Their voices are agile and soft, each word born out of earnest acknowledgment of the passing of time and how futile it is to fight it. “Windmill” serves as the lead-in to a forthcoming new record and suggests great power awaits in the new collection. Little Misty, as the band is known onstage, engages with the human experience in such a way that’s poignant and deeply personal. While taking on this inanimate vantage point, they come closer to knowing and understanding how humanity relates to one another through a stunningly amber lens. “Each season’s spinning free with the wind,” they sing. The arrangement is equally as airy and free, as though they’re uncovering the beauty of life anew. “Windmill” is a reminder that life is for the taking, and we only have now, this very moment, to really live.

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