Welcome to Taste Test, a song/video review series of SubmitHub-only gemstones

We plant our roots much like the redwood, a forest blossoming from wherever we call home. It’s often in stationary moments that we come to fully realize our potential, and the intimacy of confessions permit us to gather together strands of hope, resilience and strength. Folk-pop miner Mary Moore imagines herself as a sprawling estate of redwoods, whose gentle leaves whisper secretly of tales untold and the meaning of life. With “Redwoods,” a co-write with Kodey Brims, thumping along the crunchy pathways deep within its woodlands, Moore twirls inside an earthy percussive mix to find herself and a way to complete independence. “We grow up, and we learn to leave,” she sings, both in mourning and absolution. “I want to bend before I break…”

“Redwoods” is another sample to Moore’s brand new EP, Rooted Heart, out everywhere now.

Listen below:


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