Taste Test: Ryan Cassata details queer romance with new video, ‘Bamboo Plants’

The LA queer indie-rocker highlights burgeoning love with a new video.

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Love at first sight is Cupid’s way of striking his arrow right at the heart. You can’t stop it. And it’ll wreck through your life at a remarkable speed, leaving you drenched in exhilaration for new beginnings. Los Angeles indie-rocker Ryan Cassata lets his heart wants what it wants in the visual to his song, “Bamboo Plants,” a joyously chipper take on burgeoning romance. The tentacles of love wraps around his brain, and armed with an acoustic guitar, he outlines the story of moving in with a new lover. “Mail is piling up at my front door / All my bamboo plants are probably dead by now / Neighbors wondering where the hell I went,” he sings. A gleeful sharpness highlights the phrasing, melancholic for the past but present in the moment.

“Bamboo Plants” samples a new concept album, expected next spring 2020.

Watch below:

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