Taste Test: Stevie Zita holds tight through the winter months with ‘Romanticize’

The lo-fi pop songwriter immerses the listener in a snow drift of spellbinding charm.

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Winter is a tough, long slog – but January (and the worst of it) is over. We still have several more weeks before winter’s breath finally dissipates into melted snow and little else. Lo-fi pop performer Stevie Zita takes our hand in his and guides us through an icy wonderland with his new song. “Romanticize” trickles with frigid kisses and a languid, frozen-lake kind of immersion. “Honey, I never want to leave this moment,” he sings, pulling you closer. Despite the whirl of snow and cold outside, Zita comes to embrace the intimate moments to get him through just long enough to survive.

Listen below:

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